Main principles for web relationships and communication in a real life

Here in our free chat rooms blog we are about to talk about the interesting subject.

  1. This is a dialogical interpatricianal communication, where both patricians are equal.
  2. Previous experience of communication, the genetic features (temperament), education, a society in which the patrician from, a form of communication standards, set patterns of behavior, which a patrician learns to follow when he interacting with other people.
  3. It is important to understand the originality of each communication partner and in no case do not fit the inner world of another patrician under his classical vision.
  4. Scientists and researchers J.Toych C.Toych created the theory that differs from previous explain the behavior in the communication process as a genetically determined.

The main terms of the choice of the communication style psychogenetic consider as main inner direction and some negative emotions that are already intertwined with life's conditions, form a certain pattern of behavior, regularly repeated from one generation to the next. Model of behavior is stable, constantly repeated,  even "recognizable" form of behavior, different patterns. Patterns of physiological information, transmitted from generation to generation: the individual history of man repeats the story of person’s parents or one of his ancestors. Such pattern is formed prior from consciousness and the experience, the family history up to the 3d or 4th generation is in individual behaviors. Thus, a happy patrician attracts good teachers, friends or favorable conditions, which together contribute more to its prosperity. "Loser", more correctly, pessimistic, negative-minded patrician, on the other hand, involves the negligent or abusive mentors wrong companions, colleagues useless, dangerous strangers falls into the bad situation, becomes the victim of this conditions. Anybody who interacts with a carrier of positive internal trends - regardless on their will - may help him in achieving the objectives. The owner of the negative "locator" of such equal people "borrow" all the painful reactions or just allows them to be treated weakly, modest and silently agreeing with everything. To denote this use the concept – of "indirect Agreement". Indirect consent is an unconscious patrician's disposition to the acceptance or a provocation of negative relationships or influences others. Preserved and transmitted by one generation to another of unwanted inherited traits that manifest themselves in the aspect of life, and have a considerable impact on the other aspects, as a marriage, communication with people, and even health. In such case, the same patrician is a kind of negative factor in at least two of the functional units, unknowingly contributing to reinforce not only their negative patterns but even the one who interacts with him. "Victim" and it’s "stalker" are attracted to each other is not an accident or a failure, and the natural law. Ch.Toych compares the discovery of the law of the Newton's law of gravity, according to which, we know that the force of attraction between two objects is proportional to the product of their masses and in inverse ratio proportional to the square of the distance between them.

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